Shore Legal Access connects Eastern Shore individuals and families in need of legal representation with volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice truly is for all.


Program Spotlight: Housing

Everyone has the right to a safe and affordable place to live.

We help tenants and homeowners in danger of losing their homes due to eviction, mortgage and tax foreclosure, and tangled title. We can also connect you to additional community resources to help you to navigate housing challenges.

Program Spotlight: Criminal Record Expungement

We can help you with a new start by wiping the slate clean.

We help expunge your record of acquittals, dismissals, probation before judgment, nolle pros, stet, and nuisance offenses. If you were found guilty in a criminal case, you may still be eligible for expungement.


people served since 2006

in free legal services provided since 2006

volunteer lawyers who provided legal assistance & representation

people obtained free legal advice and counseling through our clinics


Shore Legal Access connects Eastern Shore individuals and families in need of legal representation with volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice truly is for all.



With your help, our low-cost services can continue making the law accessible and affordable, while our volunteer attorneys continue helping individuals and families in need navigate the complexities of our legal system.



As a volunteer attorney, you can represent a client, volunteer at one of our many legal clinics, or do case review and provide advice over the phone. With your help, we can say yes to more families and individuals in need. 



One of our core values is community — let’s work together to build a holistic network of high-quality service providers to help our shared clients land on their feet and make our Eastern Shore community better for us all. 

Oct 9, 2024 / Blog

Celebrate DAF Day on October 10: Make a Difference with Shore Legal Access! 

As we approach October 10, it’s time to shine a spotlight on Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) and the incredible impact they can have on charitable giving. Whether you’re already familiar with DAFs or just starting to explore your giving options, this blog post will break down what a DAF is and how you can support Shore Legal Access this DAF Day. 

Sep 17, 2024 / Job Posting

 Staff Attorney for Housing Justice Fellowship 

Shore Legal Access (SLA) is a Maryland nonprofit connecting Eastern Shore individuals and families in need of legal representation with volunteer attorneys to ensure that justice truly is for all. Shore Legal Access makes the law accessible to Eastern Shore...

Aug 22, 2024 / Blog

Life Planning Is for Everyone

Amber Green, Life Planning Case Manager/Outreach Coordinator As August unfolds and we celebrate Make a Will Month, I’m thrilled to step into the role of Life Planning Case Manager at Shore Legal Access. I’m eager to share how I envision my role and the insights I...

Aug 14, 2024 / News

A Warm Welcome to Our New Board Members

Angel Perez Jennifer Goolie Sean Seldon Shore Legal Access recently welcomed to its Board of Directors Angel L. Perez-Otero, of Caroline County; Jenifer Goolie, Esq., of Wicomico County; and Sean Seldon, of Wicomico County. Executive Director Meredith Lathbury...