Don't miss out on the opportunity to join Clean Slate Maryland Coalition partners to advocate for MARYLAND to pass and implement a law to automatically clear eligible records for people who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free. Shore Legal Access invites our workforce, housing, and social services partners to learn more about how this […]
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Schedule your free consultation with our volunteer attorneys today by calling 410-690-8128. We’ll help you draft your life planning documents at no cost!
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Call us at 410-690-8128 to make an appointment for a consultation with our attorneys, who will draft your life planning documents for FREE!
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Schedule your free consultation with our volunteer attorneys today by calling 410-690-8128. We’ll help you draft your life planning documents at no cost!
Were you charged with a crime that you want removed from your record? Call us to find out if you are eligible for an expungement! Somerset County Wellness and Recovery Expungement Workshop 2-18-25
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Schedule your free consultation with our volunteer attorneys today by calling 410-690-8128. We’ll help you draft your life planning documents at no cost!
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Do you need a will, financial power of attorney, or advance medical directive? Schedule your free consultation with our volunteer attorneys today by calling 410-690-8128. We’ll help you draft your life planning documents at no cost!