Edith Ramirez of Greensboro, Md. has recently joined the Easton office of Mid-Shore Pro Bono as the Community Outreach and Communications Coordinator.
Her responsibilities include raising awareness about Mid-Shore Pro Bono’s civil legal services to individuals in need throughout the Eastern Shore, and to donors interested in forwarding the nonprofit’s mission.
Ramirez is bilingual in English and Spanish. She most recently worked in customer service in Dover, Del., and is a graduate of North Caroline High School, where she was a member of the National Honor Society.“Learning about resources available in our community has always been important to me, especially growing up as the daughter of a single, immigrant mother,” says Ramirez. “I’m passionate about helping to provide an equal chance to underserved individuals and families in my new role.“
Edith is a pleasure to work with,” said Mid-Shore Pro Bono Executive Director Meredith Lathbury Girard, Esq. “Her experiences bring warmth to our clients and earnestness to our communications. We’re especially grateful to have her among our other interpreters so that we can make a difference in the lives of clients from different cultures.”
Mid-Shore Pro Bono delivers a mission of helping Maryland’s Eastern Shore residents obtain access to legal assistance, with offices in Easton, Chestertown, and Salisbury, with more at www.midshoreprobono.org.